London Escorts on the Night Shift

I don’t mind working hard for London escorts, but I do find it hard to cope with the night shift. Many of the girls that I work with at the agency say the same thing. Working the night shift can be really challenging and I must admit that I find it hard to fall asleep. When I first started to work late at night, I did not think that I would be amble to handle it at all. Now, I am fine about it but it does take it out of me. Many of the other girls feel the same way.


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To cope with working the night shift at London escorts, I try to make sure that I go to the gym first. Getting plenty of exercise increases my energy levels and I feel all charged up. Of course, it may not be good for you to work out very day, but when I work the night shift at the agency, it is often the only thing that keeps me going. I love it, and after a good work out, I am ready to party all night.


It is important that you eat right as well. Some of the girls here at the agency like to eat things like steak before they start the night shift. I have to admit that I enjoy steak, but I do not find that it gives me an extra sexual energy. Instead, I try to eat a bowl of oatmeal before I go into work. Top that off with a banana, and I find that I have more than enough energy to last through the night. Many of my gents wonder where I get all of my energy from, and the secret is oatmeal.


Many of the girls here at London escorts reach for a sugary snack. I am not into that at all, and I prefer to have something healthy. When I am really busy, I just have another banana and that will add some energy to my dwindling reserves. Bananas are packed with potassium and natural fruit sugar. Both can give you slow release energy over a longer period of time, and that is rally what you need when you work for London escorts. Without that, you are not going to be able to look after your gents properly.


Over all, I think that most of the girls here at London escorts have a genuine interest in health. I am sure that we are interested in health all of us and like to look after ourselves. When I have a couple of days off, I like to go to the hairdresser and see my beautician. With the help from both of them, I know that I can look and feel fantastic. To be honest, I think it is more important to feel fantastic about yourself rather than looking fantastic all of the time. Like I keep saying, looking beautiful may not put a big smile on your face, but feeling good will certainly do so.